Pink Beauty is a fancy variety with narrow dark green border and crimson red veins. Color continues to change with maturity. Good for pot plants.
You will find Pink Beauty caladiums in both our pre-finished and finished caladium programs.
Allow 5-7 week crop time in southern zones (approx 15 days to sprout), do not recommend de-eying for pots.
Classic recommended bulbs per pot:
4″ pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 2-#2 bulbs
6″ (2.5qt) pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 4-#2 bulbs
8″ (1.75 Gal) pots: 4-#1, or 8-#2 bulbs
12″ pot: 5-#1 or 10-#2 bulbs
For more information or ordering, contact
Abbot-Ipco at (214) 341-1585
Or Classic Caladiums (863) 453-0014