Classic Pink

Patent Protected : 27,093

    Classic Pink – a 2015 variety developed and patented by our Classic President, Dr. Robert Hartman. Since its introduction, Classic Pink Caladiums have been a very popular caladium with our retail customers. Classic Pink, on the intermediate to short side is a real crowd pleaser in pots and planters as well as in your landscape. Pert n’ pretty – that’s Classic Pink!
    You will find Classic Pink caladiums in both our pre-finished and finished caladium programs.

Allow 6-8 week crop time in southern zones, recommend de-eying for pots. Approx 21 Days to sprout in southern zone.

Classic recommended bulbs per pot:
4″ pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 2-#2 bulbs
6″ (2.5qt) pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 4-#2 bulbs
8″ (1.75 Gal) pots: 4-#1, or 8-#2 bulbs
12″ pot: 5-#1 or 10-#2 bulbs
10″ Pot: 4-#1 bulbs, or 8-#2 bulbs (Good for a hanging basket)

For more information or ordering, contact:
Abbot-Ipco at (214) 341-1585
Or Classic Caladiums (863) 453-0014