Growing Cannas
Planting your Canna Crop:
Planting Depth: Rhizomes should be planted in well-drained substrate 1.5″-2″ deep.
Water: Cannas like soil with good water holding capacity and pH 5.8-6.2 and EC 1.0-1.5 (SMA). Water plants regularly and don’t allow plants to completely dry out. Feed plants with 20-20-20 at 200-250 ppm and alternate with 15-5-15 Ca/Mg. Keep EC of growing substrate at 1.5-1.8
More Recommendations:
- Plant 1 Bulb/Rhizome per 1 gallon pot
When planting larger containers, use this metric as pot size increases- 2 Rhizomes per 2 gallon
- 3 Rhizomes per 3 gallon
- In warmer, hotter Southern Markets
Plant in January for April flowers- 10-11 week crop
- As the temperatures warm up, crop time will be shorter
- Suggest a 6-10 ppm range bonzi drench as 1st leaves unfurl to keep
to a shippable height-repeat as needed.
- In the Mid-Atlantic
Plant in early March for late May flower- 10-11 week crop time
- As the temperatures warm up, crop time will be shorter
- Suggest a 4-6 ppm range bonzi drench as 1st leaves unfurl to keep
to a shippable height-repeat as needed.
- Northern and West Coast
Start them inside for early March for late May flower- 12-13 week crop time
- Suggest a 1-2 ppm range bonzi drench as 1st leaves unfurl to keep
to a shippable height-repeat as needed.
Light: Performance is better in high light situations – they can withstand up to 9,000 foot-candles
Temperature: Canna lily can tolerate very high temps, 110-105 degrees
Optimal night temps 60-62 degrees. Can grow under lower temps 50-55 degrees, but production time will be much longer. Optimal day temp is 75-90 degrees.
Spacing: After 1st application of PGR – 1-1 leaves unfurled, suggestion is to space, to provide sufficient airflow and light.
Pests: More so in the landscape – Leaf Rollers, worms, grasshoppers and other pests are the most common pests for cannas. If this problem occurs, apply a pesticide as a preventative, using your normal protocol to correct concern.
Disease: In sub-tropic areas such as Florida, cannas can experience a leaf fungus or rust. It presents itself as yellow to tan spots on the plant’s leaves and stems. Apply preventative fungicides.