Caladium White Delight, a 2008 introduction, is a beautiful lance-leaved (strap) variety that tolerates up to 8 hrs of full sun. White Delight is similar in size and habit to White Wing or Jackie Suthers, however it is faster than White Wing and it is whiter than either White Wing or Jackie Suthers. White Delight is also very sun tolerant and therefore is very useful in the landscape. Excellent variety for pots, planters & baskets. A creation of Dr. Robert Hartman, Classic Caladiums President, White Delight is proving to be one of the best white strap varieties ever produced and is highly acclaimed in trials across the US.
You will find White Delight caladiums in both our pre-finished and finished caladium programs.
Allow 6-8 week crop time in southern zones (approx 21 days to sprout), recommend de-eying for pots.
Recommended bulbs per pot:
4″ pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 2-#2 bulbs
6″ (2.5qt) pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 4-#2 bulbs
8″ (1.75 Gal) pots: 4-#1, or 8-#2 bulbs
12″ pot: 5-#1 or 10-#2 bulbs
10″ Pot: 4-#1 bulbs, or 8-#2 bulbs (Good for a hanging basket)
For more information or ordering, contact:
Abbot-Ipco at (214) 341-1585
Or Classic Caladiums (863) 453-0014