Introduced here online in 2013, our Heart to Heart™ Dawn to Dusk (formally known as Creamsickle) caladiums have been popular with our customers since day one. This unique beauty will show its colors all season long in the landscape or patio planter. Dawn to Dusk will show well – all bulbs are de-eyed and painted.
This caladium was developed by our CEO, Dr. Robert Hartman.
You will find Heart to Heart™Dawn to Dusk caladiums in both our pre-finished and finished caladium programs.
Heart to Heart™ Dawn to Dusk caladiums have been selected by Proven Winners, The #1 Plant Brand, as a distinctive and proven caladium for their plant catalog. This partnership allows us at Classic to reach the much broader audience Proven Winners provides. Dawn to Dusk is co-branded with Proven Winners and offered by both parties.
Allow 6-8 week crop time in southern zones, all bulbs are de-eyed and painted. Approx 15 days to sprout in southern zones.
Recommended bulbs per pot:
6″ (2.5qt) pots: 2-#1 bulbs, or 4-#2 bulbs
8″ (1.75 Gal) pots: 4-#1, or 8-#2 bulbs
12″ pot: 5-#1 or 10-#2 bulbs
For more information or ordering, contact:
Abbot-Ipco at (214) 341-1585
Or Classic Caladiums (863) 453-0014